XYMAX REIT Investment Corporation


Key Features

Utilization of the Real Estate Management Know-How of the XYMAX Group

Stable management utilizing the real estate management strengths of the XYMAX Group

XYMAX REIT will acquire the properties as “Main Assets” mainly used as office, retail and hotel for which the accumulated real estate management know-how of the XYMAX Group is relatively extensive. Stable asset management will be aimed by leveraging the real estate management strengths accumulated to date by the XYMAX Group, such as entrusting the XYMAX Group with real estate management and utilizing the know-how of the XYMAX Group based on a sponsor support agreement, for the properties in the XYMAX REIT portfolio.

Property selection utilizing the insights and know-how accumulated over the years by the XYMAX Group

From the perspective of real estate use and effective real estate utilization, XYMAX REIT will select properties that have potential for long-term stable management after property acquisition.
Property disposition opportunities arising upon execution of CRE strategies proposed by the XYMAX Group are furnished as property acquisition opportunities for XYMAX REIT.
XYMAX REIT selects with focus on properties that have potential for long-term stable management through utilization of the insights and know-how of the XYMAX Group
Office Select with focus on properties that can provide a stable inflow of rent revenues on a long-term basis
Retail Select with focus on properties marked by business sustainability
Hotel Select with focus on properties located in areas that can take advantage of the surge in inbound tourism

Sourcing ability utilizing the extensive customer base of the XYMAX Group

Expansion of asset size will be pursued through sourcing utilizing information strengths based on the extensive customer base and track record built to date by the XYMAX Group.

Measures Taken in Pursuit of Continuous Growth of Unitholders’ Value

Continual enhancement of unitholder value will be aimed by performing management that serves to enhance distribution per unit.
Maximization of unitholder value will be aimed by aligning the interests of XYMAX REIT unitholders and the interests of the XYMAX Group through introduction of a management fee structure that harmonizes the interests of XYMAX REIT unitholders and XYMAX REIT’s asset management company consistent, same-boat investment by XYMAX GROUP Corporation and other measures.
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